Friday, January 28, 2011


I decided to make a new blog.  With two going, what is one more, right?  I realized that I enjoy two things from the recipe blog, Look What I Cooked!  The first thing is reading and testing new recipes from friends and family.  And the second thing is that it helps me organize my own recipes, so that I can find things again, or even just browse through to find something to make for dinner.

So with that in mind I decided to start this blog, Look What I Made, so I can keep track of recent craft projects.  I know I browse books or ideas online, and then make something, and usually give it away.  But then when it is time to replicate it I can't remember what I've done.  So basically this may be a place just to keep my own notes on projects and ideas.  But if it helps someone along the way make a fun new project that is a fun bonus, too!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing!! A crafty, cooking, super mom/sister/wife/friend... I'll look at this blog and aspire to be more like you!
